Cooking with Steel Chef Stove Tops
Cooking with your Steel Chef Stove top is easy and fun, but it does take a little time to get used to this method. Follow our seasoning instructions before your first cooking experience.
- Make sure your steel top and drip containers fit your stove top.
- Never heat 3/16" Steel Chef plates over 600 degrees or 3/8" plates over 750 degrees. Plates will warp if temperature exceeds these ratings.
- Always remember that steel plates will take a long time to cool off. ensure plate is cooled before taking off stove top or touching.
- Turn on burners so that your Steel Chef heats up evenly. Heating only one side may cause plate to warp.
- Make sure you Steel Chef is properly oiled and through on your favorite foods!
- When you're all done follow our cleaning procedure
Cooking with Steel Chef Pizza Steel
After the Steel Chef Plate is seasoned preheat oven to 500 degrees for 45 mins with Pizza Steel in the oven.
Prep your pizza with desired ingredients.
Once preheat is met use a Pizza Peel to transfer pizza from the kitchen to the Steel
After 4-6 minutes or at desired crust finish, retrieve pizza will Pizza Peel and enjoy.
Every time you use the steel you will see a darker color to the steel after the process is complete. This is completely normal. After cooking you will want to clean your steel. CLICK HERE for cleaning instructions.